Our guest marina is located in the city centre downtown Tromsø.

See map


Port Control

+47 911 07 444  | VHF channel 12 

Guest marina

Payment for recreational craft

Please pay via the GoMarina app (gomarina.com).

NB! Please remember to pay within 30 minutes of arrival.

Payment for commercial and fishing vessels

Contact the Port Control to pay.


NB! In the event of non-payment, the Port of Tromsø reserves the right to impose a control charge equivalent to one day’s quay charge in addition to the ordinary quay charges.

The quay charges include:

  • Shore Power (16A)
  • Fresh water
  • Use of waste containers on the quay.
    Please contact the Port Control if you have large amounts of waste.
Port of Tromsø. Photo: Yngve Olsen