Corona Situation

Port of Tromsø monitors the coronavirus situation closely, and our focus is health and safety.
We have to consider different measures and regulations. Port of Tromsø follows all advice and regulations from national and local authorities, and we do what we can to assist our customers, partners, suppliers and others.
For the Sea Traffic
Different autorites are continously assessing different measures to limit the spreading of the Corona Virus. Port of Tromsø receives several questions regarding this, and it is important to stress that we cannot go beyond the regulations other autorities put in place.
To help finding relevant information, we have a collection of links that might be useful especially for Sea Traffic entities:
- Municipality of Tromsø, including quarantine, visitors and the situation locally.
- The Police, including denial of shore leave and border control.
- Norwegian Costal Administration, including how ships, ports and municipalities should manage a suspected infection.
- Norwegian Maritime Authority, including crew change and extended deadline of certificates.
- Norwegian Institute of Public Health, including facts and advice regarding the virus.
Everyone is Affected
The extraordinary measures from government and municipality and others to limit the spreading of the Corona Virus, causes substantial effects in society. Several of our customers have had to close down for a period including temporarily lay offs. We do understand that this is a challenging situation for both businesses and the employees affected.
We are considering what measures we can do to help the situations, and we have noted the governmental immidiate and planned acts to mitigate the effects of the virus situation on the economy.
Port of Tromsø
Internally the Port of Tromsø have put in place actions to prevent infection for our staff, to make sure critical functions at the port are secured. Our offices are closed for drop-in, external activities and travel is limited, and of course we follow national and local advice and regulations on hygiene, cleaning, home quarantine etc.