The Port of Tromsø is almost 200 years old.
Tromsø was granted commercial privileges by the royal decree of 1794. In 1827, the port commission was appointed, which means that the Port of Tromsø will soon be 200 years old.
Throughout history, the sea and the sea route have provided the basis of existence for settlement along the coast. The sea has been the most important traffic artery for people and goods.
The historical development of the port through trade, shipping and the environment is a vibrant and fascinating chapter in the life of the city and the region and has provided conditions for the development of Tromsø.
From the 1850s, Tromsø was a centre for hunting and trapping in the Arctic, including Svalbard. In the early 20th century, the city was the starting point for numerous hunting, trapping, research and tourist expeditions to Arctic and Antarctic regions, which led to Tromsø being known as “The Gateway to the Arctic”.
The Arctic hunting/trapping, the Arctic culture and the people who went on long hunting/trapping expeditions are in the process of disappearing. Every year, two to three vessels depart from Tromsø on hunting/trapping expeditions. Instead of Arctic hunting/trapping, the capital of Northern Norway has developed a knowledge community at the international forefront within climate, environment and utilisation of Arctic resources that will play an important role in the development of the High North. Moreover, Tromsø has become an international leader in polar research.
Today, the Port of Tromsø is one of Norway’s largest fishing ports, a major cruise port and an important logistics hub in the Northern Norway. Our goal is to be the preferred port for the entire energy sector in the north.